When a cyber incident occurs, immediate support is needed; stress is high, and delays can cause real damage.

AXIS Safe Room is the place for that immediate support. It is a secure online platform designed to help AXIS Cyber insurance policyholders prepare for and respond to cyber incidents. Policyholders can notify us of the incident via the AXIS Safe Room, and immediately start collaborating with the Incident Response Manager and one of our pre-vetted forensic providers.

  • AXIS policyholders already registered for the AXIS Safe Room, please click here to sign in. Additionally, you must notify your insurance agent, broker or insurer of a potential claim. Engaging incident response services is not reporting a claim or event to your insurer. The notice of claim provisions in your policy state how you must report claims and events to your insurer.
  • AXIS policyholders who are not registered for the AXIS Safe Room, click here and follow the suggested steps.
  • AXIS policyholders who wish to register for the platform should refer to the registration instructions included with their cyber insurance policy.


A secure online platform designed to prepare for, protect against and respond to a cyber incident. It enables our policyholders to:

PREPARE for a cyber incident

  • Build a tailored response workflow and plan to complement existing incident response plans
  • Train for, and practice responding to, incidents
  • Access risk management tools and services offered by AXIS and our partners
  • Pre-assign preferred incident response vendors
  • Provide evidence to auditors, regulators, and customers of an investment in cyber preparation

PROTECT key documents and communication

  • Provide a secure environment outside of policyholder corporate networks for managing incidents with independent access and security controls via the website or the mobile app
  • Store relevant data and documents, e.g. cyber insurance policy, incident response plans and key contacts
  • Manage an incident by securely communicating in real time outside of (potentially compromised) corporate email systems with AXIS claims teams and authorized external vendors involved in the response activity.

RESPOND to a cyber incident efficiently and securely

  • Access all stored incident files, including insurance documents and response plan
  • Follow a step-by-step framework as a guide during a cyber incident. Everyone can see what they need to do, in what order, and when
  • Track and assign tasks to team members
  • Pre-assign preferred incident response vendors
  • Manage invoices to enable accurate and timely payment