What type of business is it good for?
- Commercial and investment banks
- Multilateral organizations
- Export credit agencies
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Highlights on this page
AXIS Capital Risk Insurance primarily focuses on loan non-payment coverage of project finance, aircraft finance and structured credit. We're a member of the Aircraft Finance Insurance Consortium, which provides a unique non-payment insurance product designed
for banks and investors who fund the purchase of new Boeing commercial aircraft. Members of our highly experienced global team can be found in London, Singapore and Bermuda, with specialists in underwriting/distribution, portfolio management and legal.
We offer highly customized credit and risk transfer solutions via non-payment insurance and unfunded risk participation agreements (RPA). This alternative risk-sharing distribution goes beyond traditional bank/investor syndication markets to allow counterparties
to increase deal participation and transaction relevance. BaseI III compliant comprehensive credit protection provides capital relief for counterparties, helping to improve their return on risk-weighted assets. Our offerings also provide an exact hedge
for an illiquid obligor or a highly structured product; our insurance contract/RPA references the loan and its exact exposure, leaving no basis risk. This mitigates sector, obligor or country concentration limits.
AXIS Non-payment Insurance
Circumstances in a borrower's company or country can change. AXIS Non-payment Insurance is designed to protect against the loss of risk capital. Owing to credit and underwriting expertise, as well as a large in-house capacity, we work with wholesale brokers to structure a coverage for a broad range of large-size credit risks.
Circumstances in a borrower's company or country can change. AXIS Non-payment Insurance is designed to protect against the loss of risk capital. Owing to credit and underwriting expertise, as well as a large in-house capacity, we work with wholesale brokers to structure a coverage for a broad range of large-size credit risks.
AXIS Political Risk Insurance
AXIS Unfunded Risk Participation Agreements
To help improve their return on risk-weighted assets, organizations may consider our unfunded risk participation agreements. Armed with deep credit analysis and underwriting expertise, our portfolio management team can help evaluate and structure deals in which we take on a portion of the lender's risk in exchange for a share of the fee.
To help improve their return on risk-weighted assets, organizations may consider our unfunded risk participation agreements. Armed with deep credit analysis and underwriting expertise, our portfolio management team can help evaluate and structure deals in which we take on a portion of the lender's risk in exchange for a share of the fee.
- Single transaction or portfolio coverage
- Capacity up to $50 million per transaction
- Flexible long-term non-cancellable tenors up to 15 years, with the ability to go beyond for selective transactions
- Claim payment acceleration following loan acceleration
- Provides counterparties administrative flexibility in dealing with amendments, consents and waivers

- Quick decision making
- Championing your needs
- An honest approach