What type of business is it good for?
- Public and products liability
- U.K. employers liability
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While no two businesses are alike, every business has an exposure to liability. Some risk the liability of a customer being injured on their premises. Others may risk a product malfunction interrupting business operations. With decades of experience and a broad risk appetite, AXIS can offer our general liability insurance for many different kinds of standard, niche and specialist businesses in the U.K., as well as in select international locations. Working closely with brokers to identify their client's exposures, we can then offer solutions to meet their unique and specific needs. Along with primary insurance, scheme-based coverage is available. We also offer excess coverage and have capacity for facultative reinsurance agreements. In the event of a claim, AXIS has a large international database of expert witnesses and specialist lawyers and loss adjusters from which to draw.
- Claims-made and occurrence policies
- Standard public and products cover worldwide, excluding North America
- Statutorily compliant U.K. employers liability insurance
- Admitted and non-admitted policies
- Excesses can be as low as £500 (nil for U.K. employers liability)

- Bus and coach operators
- Cardboard and rubber
- Care homes
- Clerical and professional
- Clothing manufacturers
- Contract cleaners
- Electronics
- Food and drink processors
- Furniture manufacturers
- Haulers
- Hotels and restaurants
- Light engineering and manufacturing
- Metal workers
- Paper and pulp producers
- Plastics
- Printers and publishers
- Property owners
- Recycling
- Renewable energy
- Retailers and wholesalers
- Schools and colleges
- Specialist contractors
- Warehousing
- Wholesalers
Clients can rest assured that when a general liability claim is filed, AXIS works swiftly to assemble legal and other resources as needed. AXIS focuses on:- Quick decision making
- Championing your needs
- An honest approach